How to get free SSL from ZeroSSL

In this post, I will going to share on how to get a free SSL certificate from ZeroSSL. There are so many SSL Certificate provider offer a free and trial SSL certificate that we can found in the internet like Cloudflare, but in this tutorial, I will use ZeroSSL from registration of credential account to successfully registered the domain name to get a free SSL certificate.

Below are the steps for registration of account, domain name and SSL certificate.

1. Go To

2. If you have already account in ZeroSSL, you may input the credential that you have. Otherwise, click Get started for free for Signing a new account.

3. In Screenshot below, type your valid Email Address because there will be a activation code later after the successful registration. For Password (Validation for registration of Password is Characters, Lowercase, Uppercase, Number).

4. After a registration of your ZeroSSL account, you may now login using your credential.

5. Click New Certificate button

6. Enter Domain name

7. In Validity, Select 90-Day Certificate

8. In Add-Ons, leave as default or don’t enable those Add-ons option.

9. In CSR & Contact, leave as default value showing on screenshot.

10. In Finalize Your Order, Select the Free Plan, then click Next Step.

11. In Email Verification, enter your valid Email Address.

12. In Finalize, Click Verify Domain button.

13. The screenshot below showing that email message from ZeroSSL is need to verify. Go To Verification Page, Copy the Verification Key and Paste it to your ZeroSSL credential.

14. Go to Home Page of your ZeroSSL account and then click Cerficates. Below screenshot showing that you have successfully registered the Domain for free SSL Certificate.